Moving a Child Out of State During Divorce
The question I want to answer today is how to move a child out of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts if the other parent won’t allow it. So here’s the situation: You and the other parent have one or more children together. You either share physical or legal custody with the other parent or at least the other parent has visitation rights You…
The Basics of Child Custody in Massachusetts – Video
This video explores the basics of how child custody works in Massachusetts. It explains the difference between physical custody and legal custody, joint and sole custody, and what typically works best.
When do break-ups (divorces) happen the most?
According to facebook status updates, break ups happen mostly around spring breaks and the months leading up to Christmas. [via Business Insider]
Child Custody in Military Families
I read a recent Yahoo! News article about the challenges that military families have when dealing with a parent (or both parents) deploy overseas. It’s extremely hard on the single parent left behind and it’s extremely hard on the children. In addition to the possibility of deployment, military members often get reassigned, involuntarily, to other locations. Fortunately, if the serviceman is married…
What is the Role of a Guardian Ad Litem in a Divorce case?
A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a latin term meaning “Guardian for the lawsuit.” A GAL is a person, a social worker or an attorney, who is appointed by the court in a divorce or child custody case in order to investigate and gather evidence for the judge. Judges here in Massachusetts, presiding over a divorce case, cannot leave the courtroom and…