What Are the Costs of Guardian Ad Litem Services?

If you are no longer in a relationship with the parent of your children, you may be contemplating filing a child custody and visitation case – or may already be involved in a family law matter. In cases where the parents simply cannot come to an agreement or where there are other issues at play, the court may appoint a guardian ad…
The Rule 411 Automatic Restraining Order
What is the Rule 411 Automatic Restraining Order? The Probate and Family Courts have a set of rules called the Supplemental Rules of the Probate and Family Court. These are a set of written and enforceable rules that apply to cases pending in the Probate and Family Court. Among these rules is Rule 411, which creates a set of financial restrictions to…
Domestic Violence and the Workplace
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women and one in seven men will experience some form of domestic violence over their lifetime. While this devastating and highly personal form of abuse usually happens at home, it also has an undeniable impact on the workplace, manifesting itself in the form of: Absenteeism. Victims may be too physically injured…
New Child Support Guidelines Effective June 15, 2018
Today the Trial Court announced that there will be a new supplemental 2017 Child Support Guidelines and accompanying Worksheet effective June 15, 2018. They aim for the Guidelines and Worksheet to be released on the mass.gov website on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. The purpose of the new Guidelines and Worksheet is to resolve the 3 main issues that we pointed out in…
When You Should Get a Prenup
Many people balk at the idea of a prenuptial agreement, finding the idea “unromantic.” They may discuss other topics unrelated to romance, such as whether or not to purchase a new refrigerator for the house they plan on living in, or whether one of them will fix dinner or will they go out to eat. But, they still hesitate to talk about…
What Are the Pros and Cons of Prenup Agreements?
When you fall in love with the right person, all you can think about is spending the rest of your life with them. It gets even more exciting when both of you agree to become married. There is so much to plan out such as the wedding reception, the types of food to serve to guests, and where you plan to live…
Prenup Format For Couples Who Want Their Finances Kept Separate
The wedding will be arriving in the next few months. You’ve sat down with your spouse to discuss your finances together, and both of you agree that a prenup agreement is the best for everyone just in case a divorce happens in the future. You have family inheritance and real estate property that you want your children from a previous marriage to…
Can You Get a Prenup After You Get Married?
When you join your spouse in marriage, you also join debts, assets, future inheritances, rights to your children, and more. Because marriage is a legal-binding agreement, it’s important to consider and mitigate the legal risks associated with marriage. Prenuptial agreements Many couples address and plan for the legal implications of marriage, divorce, and/or death of spouse prior to tying the knot through…
Can Our Parents Force Us to Get a Prenup?
When people talk about marriage, they consider all the things they will do for each other when they spend the rest of their lives together. The couple imagines sharing their love, their home and their lifestyles. Yet sometimes the future in-laws may have other opinions when it comes to sharing money or future inheritance. Your parents, or your future in-laws, may demand…
Two More Errors Found in 2017 Child Support Guidelines
After publishing yesterday’s post about an error we found in the 2017 auto-calculations, we heard from other attorneys about two other problems with the 2017 guidelines calculations. These errors are, in fact, more serious as they aren’t merely a problem with the way a worksheet translates the calculations, they’re problems with the formula for calculation themselves. The first, along with examples highlighting…