What Are the Costs of Guardian Ad Litem Services?

If you are no longer in a relationship with the parent of your children, you may be contemplating filing a child custody and visitation case – or may already be involved in a family law matter. In cases where the parents simply cannot come to an agreement or where there are other issues at play, the court may appoint a guardian ad…
How Domestic Violence Affects Child Custody and Visitation

Domestic violence remains a major problem in our society, affecting millions of people each year. Abuse can also play a role in child custody and visitation matters. If you had an abusive relationship with your ex, you may be curious as to how that abuse will impact your family law case. Judges do consider domestic violence when deciding what is in the…
What can I do if the other parent doesn’t return my child back to me on time?

Let’s say you share parenting time with your child’s other parent. It can be that you split this time 50/50 or it can be that one parent has primary physical custody and the other parent has a set schedule for their parenting time. Either way, you both have your designated times that you get to spend with your child. So what happens…
Our Parenting Plan Checklist

When you and your children’s other parent are going toshare custody, you need to develop a parenting plan. This is a written document that sets out the practical aspects of co-parenting. Whether you and the other parent were never married or are going through a divorce, this is a tough process. You both want what is best for your children yet may…
Spring Break & Divorce

When you and your spouse decide to divorce, you know you’re going to have to tackle tough issues. One of the toughest is sharing custody of your children. Having your children divide time between your homes becomes especially difficult during school holidays and vacations. With spring break approaching, you and your children’s other parent need to communicate and decide how to handle…
Child Custody: Moving the Kids to a Different State

In our increasingly global economy, relocation has become a fact of life. In fact, America is one of the most mobile countries in the world. According to a Gallup study, approximately one-fifth of Americans have moved to another area or a different state within the last five years. What’s the biggest reason Americans move? Work. Imagine you have a great new career opportunity…
Emergency Temporary Custody in Boston
Obtaining Emergency Temporary Child Custody in MA Custody issues throughout any divorce settlement process can be one of the most contested and heated aspects of family law. Implementing and solidifying a temporary custody order, or making any significant changes to existing custody arrangements, tends to be a lot more difficult than most parents would originally assume. Most courts throughout Boston Massachusetts and…
How Right to First Refusal Affects Child Custody Cases
During divorce proceedings with an ex-spouse in Boston, there are many details that need to be discussed regarding how marital assets will be split between the both of you, who will live in the house, and if there will be alimony paid out. Yet another important factor that needs to be decided during the divorce hearing concerns child custody. It will be…
Top 10 Rules to Make Joint Custody Work
Divorce is hard on the adults in a marriage; there’s no doubt about that – but it is even harder on the children. When you are working on a parenting schedule for joint custody, you can construct it in such a way that it minimizes the impact and isn’t as hard on the children. Your attorney can help with the arrangement to…
How Child Custody Is Determined In Massachusetts
Ending a serious relationship comes with a myriad of emotions and complicated issues to resolve, such as joint bank accounts, a shared home, and most importantly, custody of shared children. Understanding how child custody decisions are made in Massachusetts may help you prepare for the process and potential outcome in your unique situation. Mediation for Separating or Divorcing Parents The first step…