Infidelity and Divorce
According to Massachusetts law, “a married person who has sexual intercourse with a person not his spouse” has committed a crime and is subject to imprisonment for up to three years and a $500 fine. Although the last prosecution for adultery was in 1983, the commonwealth still lists adultery as a crime and also as a reason for a divorce. While statistics…
How to Respond to Divorce Papers
When one party seeks a divorce from the other, the process starts with the defendant being served legal documents providing notification of the divorce request. If you are receiving these documents, you are considered the defendant in the case. It means that your spouse has taken the step to request a dissolution of the marriage. This document can be a shock to…
Hiding Assets During Divorce
Money problems are one of the leading reasons that couples split, so it’s no surprise that divorcing spouses may attempt to conceal assets. In some cases, partners keep financial secrets during the marriage, and that deception may continue as the couple goes through the divorce. Concealing assets most commonly occurs in cases of significant wealth, but middle-class spouses also may attempt to…
Can Text Messages Be Used in Divorce Court?
It has become easier to communicate with loved ones instantly through technology. No matter the location, we can easily send emails, texts, or direct messages from social media accounts. However, these electronic messages also can show the negative side of a relationship. Couples can get into heated arguments, send threatening messages, converse with secret lovers, and discuss criminal wrongdoings. When a relationship…
Why You Should Get Divorced Under the 2018 Tax Reform
If divorce seems like a very likely event in your near future, the time to do it might be now. More specifically, you have until December 31, 2018 to finalize a divorce if you want to take advantage of the old tax laws. Starting January 1, 2019, divorce could become a lot more expensive and a much longer process – and if…
The Best Way to Go About Divorce When Pregnant
If you’re considering filing for divorce while pregnant, these tips and tricks can help you navigate the process successfully from a legal standpoint. In addition to protecting yourself legally, you should consider the need for emotional support to ensure you stay well during this difficult time. Get to a safe place If you feel unsafe in your marriage, the first and most…
Military Divorce Process
Members of the military face different challenges than civilians, and many of these unique challenges can put strain on a marriage, such as extended time apart, relocation, and the aftermath of time in combat. Like many other aspects of life, divorce is slightly different when one or both spouses are members of the military. Here, we’ll add to our previous blog series…
Common Questions a Divorce Judge Might Ask You
To say that going through a divorce is stressful is not news to those who have experienced it or who are currently in the throes of divorce. After you have gone through the grueling process of working out an agreement with your soon-to-be ex, there is still one step left. You and your spouse are both required to appear in court to…
Child Custody Mediation Boston: How It Works and Tips for Success
Determining child custody in Massachusetts is a heart-rendering and involved process. Parents find themselves in a constant state of stress as they wait for courts to decide the best home for their children. But there is an alternative that offers better control and less conflict. Child custody mediation allows parents to discuss the best arrangements for them and their children. The result…
US and Massachusetts Divorce Rates
The dissolution of a marriage is never easy and it is more common than most people want to consider. The good news is, the divorce rate in the United States seems to be on the decline. Understanding current divorce rates as well as marriage and divorce trends in the U.S. and Massachusetts can help shed light on what is working and what…