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App Info

The following information is for general information only.  Please consult with an attorney for specific advice as to your case.  The use of this app does not create an attorney-client relationship and the information contained herein does not constitute legal advice.  The firm and makers of this app is not responsible for the improper use of this app.

Child Support

*New Child Support Guidelines effective as of August 1, 2013*

Child support is based on a formula in Massachusetts.  It takes into account the gross income of both parents, along with deductions for child care costs, health insurance and dental/vision costs, and other prior child support orders entered.  The child support is then calculated based on the number of children in the family and is a percentage of both parent’s income (though the percentages are not necessarily equal).

The child support guidelines are used when the combined income of both parents is less than $250,000.  If it is over, then there needs to be a deviation from the guidelines and an additional Deviation Form is required to be filed with the court.

The child support worksheet assumes that one parent (the recipient) has primary custody with the other parent (the payor) having 1/3 parenting time with the child(ren).  In the situation where there is joint physical custody, then the guidelines will need to be calculated twice, as if both parents are the recipients, then the higher earning parent pays the difference of the two child support calculations to the lesser earning parent.  In the situation where the payor has parenting time with the child for more than 1/3 of the time but less than 50/50, then the worksheet is ran first with one parent as the recipient, and second as if the parties share custody equally.  The average of the base child support and the shared custody cross calculation shall be the child support amount paid to the recipient.

This app calculates all 3 variations of the child support based on the parties’ parenting time. 

Click here for the official Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines effective August 1, 2013


There are 4 different types of alimony: general alimony, rehabilitative alimony, reimbursement alimony, and transitional alimony.

General alimony is what we traditionally think of as alimony.  It is ordered when one spouse is financially dependent on the other spouse.  This app calculates general term alimony.

Rehabilitative alimony is alimony given for a short period of time so that the lesser earning spouse can get back on their feet through job training or finding a new job.

Reimbursement alimony is alimony for a short period of time or a lump-sum payment to reimburse a spouse for marital contributions, such as helping to put a spouse through school and paying for student loans.

Transitional alimony is alimony for a short period of time or a lump-sum payment for the purpose of helping the spouse transition to a new standard of living or to relocate due to the divorce.

Click here for the text of the Alimony Reform Act of 2011 (effective March, 2012)

For more information, contact us:

Infinity Law Group LLC
One Adams Place, Suite 400
Quincy, MA 02169
(617) 652-5748

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Infinity Law Group
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